Using Tula's embedded calendar

When we built Tula, one of the most important things we wanted to do was preserve the look and feel of a studio owner’s website. When we built our calendar functionality though, we didn’t just want the calendar to look great. We also wanted navigating in and out of the calendar to feel completely seamless to our customer’s students. Your yoga studio is unique, and so your website should be too!

In our calendar, students can click on an instructor name and get taken to an instructor bio page – and click on a class name to get routed to a class description page.

Instead of just displaying information stored in our system, we link to information on our customer’s site.

The result is a great looking calendar, with an easy way to easily navigate to other parts of the website within which it’s embedded, and an iCal feed so students can keep the schedule of their favorite studio right inside the calendar of any modern phone.

Check out the two minute screencast below to learn how to set up your embedded calendar.
